ये है गोकुल में “श्री कृष्ण जी” का पुराना घर | Old house of shree Krishn...


Old house of Shree Krishna in gokul dham - There is an old house of Shri Krishna ji in Gokul which is called Nand Bhawan or 84 pillared temple. Shri Krishna ji was born in Mathura in the prison of Kansa, from where Krishna ji's father Vasudev ji brought Shri Krishna ji to Nand Baba's place in Gokul. Shri Krishna ji's childhood was spent in Gokul. Although there are many ancient places in Gokul related to the child pastimes of Shri Krishna ji, but the most prominent of these places is the 84 pillar temple where Krishna ji lived in childhood with Matha Yashoda and Nanda Baba. In this video we have shown the old house of Shri Krishna ji in Gokul. Apart from this, Brahmand Ghat, Ukhal Bandhan, Chintaharan Mahadev and Raman Reti are the main places in Gokul.
#gokul #krishna #vrindavan

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